LinkedIn is a social networking service to showcase one’s interests, education, skills, and experience which helps in connecting and strengthening professional relationships with others from different parts of the world.

We see daily numerous posts on LinkedIn by someone:

  • sharing a new job offer.
  • posting new job opportunities.
  • sharing experience with a company.
  • advertising the organization and many more.

Suppose 50000 users posted on LinkedIn within an hour, but all the posts won’t reach out to us. Few posts may reach out to Millions, few posts to just 500 users. What’s the differnece between these posts? Here is where the LinkedIn algorithm comes into play.

LinkedIn algorithm

It all starts with sharing a post by the user on LinkedIn. Before a post reaches out to someone, LinkedIn assigns something named as the quality score to the content considering the body or if any images/videos/links attached to the post estimating the reach of the post to the user’s connections. First, a small group of connections is picked and post is pushed to them to observe how these users are interacting with the post. With this information, LinkedIn then decides if this post needs to be further pushed to other connections and recursively tests the engagement by the set of connections. If there is no engagement after a few sets of connections, the LinkedIn stops sharing the post.